I recently put a website together for a client selling a product in quite an aggressive market. After the website had been put together it went live and the client was happy! What happened over the next few days was to take me on a new journey in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and website marketing.
Search Engine Optimisation
I followed all the rules and best practices to ensure the site met Web Standards and Google standards - things such as only one H1 tag on a page, no keyword spamming in the meta tags etc..
I also ensured the site was listed with google and other top search engines and also had automatic sitemap generation based on the content of the pages - so everything looked setup properly for Search Engine Optimisation SEO. I now had to advertise the site.
Marketing Idea Number One : AdWords
I sat down with the client to help him look at advertising the website. We needed to drive traffic to the site and spread the word about his products as effectively and cheaply as possible.
As i had some experience of AdWords this was my initial suggestion for the client and we therefore set about putting keyword lists together based on the products the client sold and the sort of customer he was looking for to drive to his site.
The hit was instant - we had tons of traffic hitting the site and lots of interested customers. The only trouble was the AdWords budget went out of the window quite quickly because of the aggressive nature of the market.
Owing to this i set about trying to find a way to get the site to the top of the organic search lists (which given the market would have been extremely hard). If we could do this we had FREE traffic to the website! Which takes me onto Marketing Technique 2.
Marketing Technique Two : Drive Free Traffic to the Website Using Niche Markets
Through various sources and quite a lot of reading I have discovered a method of getting your web pages ranked on the first page of google for FREE! Yes - FREE! When you see how its done its one of those things that just hits and you think "of course - why didn't i think of that before!".
The way to achieve this, is by using a technique or trick called Long Tailed Keywords to find a niche market. If you don't know what a niche market or a long tailed keyword is then ill explain:
Say you are wanting to market your website and you are selling an iPhone unlocking service for example. If you put the word iPhone into Google you will see something like this:
Results 1 - 10 of about 328,000,000 for iPhone.
328 million pages! Would you fancy trying to get your website to the first page of those results!!? I wouldn't. So how do we go about getting a fighting chance - a Niche Market.
How to Find a Niche Market
Basically, you need to look for something specific within that market to get a smaller target area (the niche).
Again you have to think smart - IPhone Unlocking again turns up over 7 million pages but if you add extra words to the keyword phrase such as
"how to unlock an apple iPhone"
now have a look at the results.
At the time of writing this we now have 342 pages returned from Google with the exact phrase (with quotes around it).
Using the AdWords keyword tool, if you enter that phrase and search, it will tell you the search volume and advertiser competition (AdWords competition). This is currently showing as zero competition and 110 average searches per month.
You now have on average 110 people searching for exactly what you are looking for and only 342 pages of exact competition.
That is a little better than the millions of pages beforehand hey!
If you now work that keyword into your web pages, along with the other related keywords given by the AdWords tool you have a very high chance of getting a first page ranking for FREE whenever anyone uses that search term! Awesome.
You could also run an AdWords campaign with very cheap keywords to target this phase as yet another way of driving cheap traffic to your site.
You think the above techniques are handy? Well I found something that makes this so easy! It takes away all the hard work and issues with using the google tools and also expands your research to other search engines.
Whilst i was investigating and playing around with this technique i came across an absolutely wicked tool that turned out to save me HOURS of work. The tool is called Micro Niche Finder and i cannot recommend it enough.
I will quickly go over the main features that saved me hours in generating the long tail keywords to work into my clients website.
Micro Niche Finder
Micro Niche Finder (V4 is the latest at the time of writing this post) is basically a keyword research tool that takes the leg work out of optimising your web content to ensure you are targeting it to what people are searching for.
You can write a 10,000 page essay page about one of your products but if you are not creating the content that people are actively searching for they will never find you or know about your product = no sales!
The primary market that Micro Niche Finder is actually aimed at is affiliate marketing. Marketing people use it to seek out niche markets and promote products to sell on the Internet.
If it works for someone selling other people's products i thought it must be useful in improving your own website product sales.
The key areas this product saved me time are :
- I no longer had to think of the long tail keywords and niche markets.
- I didn't have to jump from search engine to keyword tool and back again just to research keywords.
- I could research the competition
- I could look at other people selling the same item
In addition to what i used there are an absolute plethora of features in this product that I've not even touched upon yet but am itching to experiment with.
Borne out of looking for an effective way to rank my clients web pages higher in the organic search results and cut down on advertising budget, i have located a tool i can use over and over again in my job to optimise website content for clients.
Micro Niche Finder is an extremely useful tool that i can also utilise for several other things such as affiliate marketing. Ive not really ventured too deep into the subject before but a tool like this makes me want to give it a try - just for the fun of it to see if i could make money online. If nothing else i will definitely learn a lot more about SEO, AdWords and marketing techniques that i can use in my work.
I feel Micro Niche Finder paid for itself on one project but it can be used over and over again.
I am looking forward to seeing what it really can do for me. I will post further findings as i get more experience with it.
Big up to the developers of this tool - pretty simple but massively effective. I may have been able to develop something similar for myself but like a lot of things - it would have taken many hours out of my already busy schedule and for the price its a bargain.
If you like the sound of it follow the link i have put in the post and enter your email address on the landing page. The folks at Micro Niche will then send you a link to the videos on how to use the product - which i tailored to my requirements.
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Getting a First Page Ranking Website using Niche Marketing and Micro Niche Finder
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Labels: internet marketing, SEO
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Intellisense for skin files in Visual Studio
I annoyingly discovered that Visual Studio does not support intellisense when editing skin files. To save the hassle of using an aspx page and then copying it back there is a little tweak you can do to visual studio to allow this.
Simply go to the Tools|Options|FileExtension and add
skin, then select User Control Editor from the list and press Add.
Close and re-open any open skin files and voila you will now have intellisense support for skin files. The trick basically tells visual studio to open the skin source in the user control editor.
Cant believe this wasn't a feature out of the box though!
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Labels: ASP.NET, Visual Studio IDE
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
AJAX Modal Popup Extender click event not firing
I had a situation today where i had a webform with a Gridview, a modal popup extender and a dummy button to fire up the hidden panel for the modal popup extender. If i pressed cancel to close the popup, when i next pressed the button to open up the modal popup nothing happened and i had to click the button a second time.
This drove me mental for a couple of hours and i ended up leaving it alone for a bit. A tad a later i hit another problem to do with validation where i realised i needed to add validation groups as i had more than one group of controls to validate.
The great thing is after i added the validation groups the problem above went away! So if you have a modal popup extender and are using validation controls always ensure you add a validation group to your controls.
The validationgroup is simply a property on a control and a validator. Simply add a common name to group controls and ensure the name on the button you want to have the validation fire on is the same as the control group to validate. Im sure you get the picture.
I dont know if this is a bug in the modal popup extender or if its by design?? Its propbably good practice create a validation group whenever you add validation controls to a form.
Also note...if you are looking to learn more on ASP.Net and other .Net technologies and find learning by video useful I highly recommend LearnVisualStudio.Net. I have been a member there for almost 4 years and they are constantly adding new content in line with new technology. Go check them out and try their free videos.
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Labels: ASP.NET