Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Intellisense for skin files in Visual Studio

I annoyingly discovered that Visual Studio does not support intellisense when editing skin files. To save the hassle of using an aspx page and then copying it back there is a little tweak you can do to visual studio to allow this.

Simply go to the Tools|Options|FileExtension and add

skin, then select User Control Editor from the list and press Add.

Close and re-open any open skin files and voila you will now have intellisense support for skin files. The trick basically tells visual studio to open the skin source in the user control editor.

Cant believe this wasn't a feature out of the box though!


Anonymous said...

Thanks it worked

adev said...

It worked for me

Anonymous said...

I can't find "file extensions" in the options menu. I'm using Visual Studio 2008.

Omen said...

@Anonymous - Go to the Options again, then the Text Editor Settngs and the File Extensions option is under that!

Hope that sorts you out.

Anonymous said...

Hohoho very good tip! It worked!

Anonymous said...

Works like a charm in Visual Studio 2010 as well!

Anonymous said...

I love you.

diejmon said...

Thanks it work for me too

diejmon said...

Thanks it work for me too

Anonymous said...

Cool, great share!

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah. First search on Google. Worked a treat. Using VS 2010 and still can't believe it isn't out of the box.

Anonymous said...

Awesome...thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Omen u rockzzzzzz... Thanks alot. Its working.